| Standard Header | Y | MsgType = BA |
908 | CollInquiryID | N | Unique identifier for the collateral inquiry that generated this report. |
909 | CollReportID | Y | Unique identifier for this report. |
910 | CollStatus | N | Status of Entity carried by this report. |
911 | TotNumReports | N | Total number of Collateral Reports associated with its Collateral Inquiry. |
912 | LastReportRequested | N | Indicator whether this report is the last in the series of TotNumReports (Tag 911). |
1 | Account | N | Account (code) for which this report pertains. |
| Start Repeating Group | |
453 | NoPartyIDs | N | Number of PartyIDs fields requested. Repeating Group. |
448 | PartyID | Y | PartyID as applicable to the Party Role (Tag 452): |
452 | PartyRole | N | Identifies the Type of PartyID. The valid values are: |
| | | 24 = Customer Account |
| | | 3 = Order Id |
| End Repeating Group | |
| Start Repeating Group | |
136 | NoMiscFees | N | Number of repeating groups of miscellaneous fees |
137 | MiscFeeAmt | Y | Miscellaneous fee value. |
138 | MiscFeeCurr | N | Currency of miscellaneous fee. |
139 | MiscFeeType | N | Indicates type of miscellaneous fee. |
891 | MiscFeeBasis | N | Defines the unit for a miscellaneous fee. The valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Absolute |
| | | 1 = Per Unit |
| | | 2 = Percentage |
| End Repeating Group | |
58 | Text | N | Free form Text. |
899 | MarginExcess | N | Available Cash for additional margin. |
900 | TotalNetValue | N | Net value of the account. |
901 | CashOutstanding | N | Option Premium. |
921 | StartCash | N | Account Balance. |
53 | Quantity | N | Total MP, Long MP and Short MP |
854 | QuantityType | N | Quantity Type indicator of Collateral Report. The valid values are: |
| | | 1 = Account List |
| | | 2 = Account Details |
| | | 3 = Account Update |
| | | 4 = Account Position Update |
| | | 5 = Account Notification |
| | | 6 = Exchange Notification |
| | | 7 = Market RFQ |
48 | SecurityID | N | Security identifier. This is the T4 Market ID. |
55 | Symbol | N | Symbol. This is the T4 Contract ID. |
207 | SecurityExchange | N | Exchange at which the security trades. This is the T4 Exchange ID. |
167 | SecurityType | N | Instrument type. Futures="FUT", Options="OPT", Stock="STK", Synthetic="SYN", Binary Option="BIN" |
201 | PutOrCall | N | For Options. Indicates whether an Option is for a Put or Call. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Put |
| | | 1 = Call |
202 | StrikePrice | N | For Options. Indicates the Strike Price of the Option. |
75 | TradeDate | N | Date on which the update took place. |
3000 | Buys | N | Number of lots Bought in the current trading day for this market. Net position in market is equal to Buys (Tag 3000) minus Sells (Tag 3001). |
3001 | Sells | N | Number of lots Sold in the current trading day for this market. Net position in market is equal to Buys (Tag 3000) minus Sells (Tag 3001). |
3002 | WorkingBuys | N | The total number of lots that are currently working to buy in this market. |
3003 | WorkingSells | N | The total number of lots that are currently working to sell in this market. |
3004 | OvernightUPL | N | Overnight Unrealized Profit and Loss |
3005 | AverageOpenTicks | N | The average Price (in ticks) of open positions in this market. |
3006 | OvernightPosition | N | The number of market lots opened as an overnight position for the current trading day. |
3007 | CurrencyRate | N | Currency Rate conversion factor to US dollars. |
3008 | TotalBuyFillTicks | N | The total price (in ticks) of all buy trades in this market. |
3009 | TotalSellFillTicks | N | The total price (in ticks) of all sell trades in this market. |
3010 | TotalOpenTicks | N | The total ticks*volume for the open position in this market. |
3011 | TotalOpenVolume | N | The total volume for the open position in this market. Used for Average Price calculations. |
3100 | AccountID | N | Unique Account Identifier |
3101 | AccountName | N | Account Name |
3102 | ActiveTimeStart | N | Time the account is allowed to start trading (if any) |
3103 | ActiveTimeStop | N | Time the account stops trading (if any) |
3104 | BlockExpiring | N | The number of hours (before last trade time) that this account should be blocked for. |
3105 | DayLossLimit | N | The maximum cash amount that this account may lose in a trading day excluding overnight upl. |
3106 | Deleted | N | Whether the account has been deleted or not. The valid values are: |
| | | Y = Yes. The Account has been deleted. |
| | | N = No. The Account has been not deleted. |
3107 | DisplayName | N | The account display name (used to prefix the account name). |
3108 | EditMargin | N | Whether child firm administrators can edit margin details. |
3109 | EMail | N | Email address for sending fill notifications to, if any. |
3110 | Enabled | N | Whether the account is enabled. Anyone with access and permission can enter orders into this account if enabled. The valid values are: |
| | | Y = Yes. The Account has been enabled. |
| | | N = No. The Account has been not enabled. |
3111 | Firm | N | Firm Name |
3112 | FirmID | N | Unique identifier of Firm |
3113 | LossLimit | N | The maximum cash amount that this account may lose in a trading day. |
3114 | LossLimitPC | N | The maximum percentage of the account balance that this account may lose in a trading day. |
3115 | MarginPC | N | The margin percentage rate applied to day trading orders. |
3116 | MaxAccountPosition | N | The largest size position that can be held across the account in total. |
3117 | MaxClipSize | N | The largest order quantity (per transaction) that can be entered by this account. |
3118 | MaxContractMargin | N | The maximum amount of contract margin allowed. |
3119 | MaxPosition | N | The largest size position that can be held in any market. |
3120 | MinBalance | N | The minimum balance that this account is allowed to have. |
3121 | Mode | N | Account Mode. The valid values are: |
| | | M = By Market. Track Positions per individual market. |
| | | C = By Contract. Track positions by contract (by outrights only). |
| | | A = By Account. Track positions by contract (by outrights only) and apply MaxPosition limits to the entire account and not to a market. |
3122 | OrderRouting | N | Whether this account supports order routing: |
| | | Y = Yes. The Account supports order routing. |
| | | N = No. The Account does not support order routing. |
3123 | OvernightMarginPC | N | The margin percentage rate applied to overnight positions. |
3124 | ParentFirmID | N | The identifier of this firm's parent firm |
3125 | PLRollover | N | Whether the system will rollover Profit and Loss at the end of each trading day. |
| | | Y = Yes. |
| | | N = No. |
3126 | PositionRollover | N | Whether the system will rollover positions at the end of each trading day. |
| | | Y = Yes. |
| | | N = No. |
3127 | PreTradeDisabled | N | Whether or not pre-trade risk management is disabled or not. |
| | | Y = Yes. |
| | | N = No. |
3128 | RiskAlerts | N | Whether sending email risk alerts is enabled for this account. |
| | | Y = Yes. |
| | | N = No. |
3131 | StrategyMaxClipSize | N | The largest size order that can be entered by this account into Strategy markets. |
3132 | StrategyMaxPosition | N | The largest size position that can be held in any Strategy market. |
3133 | StrategyTotalPitTrades | N | The number of pit trades held in all Strategy markets. |
3134 | TotalPitTrades | N | The size of pit trades held in this market. |
3135 | UsePLForMargin | N | Whether Profit/Loss can be used for meeting margin requirements. |
| | | Y = Yes. |
| | | N = No. |
3136 | WarningThresholdLossLimit | N | The warning threshold % of Loss Limit for this account. |
3137 | WarningThresholdMargin | N | The warning threshold % of Margin for this account. |
3138 | WarningThresholdPL | N | The warning threshold % of Profit and Loss for this account. |
3139 | WideMarket | N | The dollar value for a bid/offer spread that determines if the market is wide. |
12 | Commission | N | Commision to use in the account. |
13 | CommType | N | Commision Type. |
| Standard Trailer | Y |